Pistes-Solidaires, based in the southwest of France, is an association that develops its projects and actions according to the 4 pillars of education of UNESCO: learning to know, learning to be, learning to do, learning to live together and with others.
Education goes hand in hand with openness to the world and an understanding of local/global interdependencies. We work on intercultural learning and global education, bringing people from different backgrounds to accept those of others, regardless of their religion, sexual orientation, social class or age . The work of Pistes-Solidaires is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Our work is developed through 3 departments:
1/ MOBILITY OF YOUNG PEOPLE AND STUDENTS: Our work with young people is focused on the development of learning paths through educational mobility in Europe and in the world. These pathways are experiential learning through volunteering and internships abroad.
2/ SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS: Research and innovation in the social and education fields are at the heart of this area of work. We create educational, social or socio-cultural resources in order to better answer needs that emerge in a transition society.
3/ EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP: Since 2013, we have been labelled Europe Direct by the European Commission. Our missions: to inform, advise, make the EU, its member states, its functioning, its importance and its impact on our daily life understood and known.
Associated Partners of Pistes Solidaires

The Collectif Social Web is an association, based in Bayonne, whose aim is to use digital technologies as a driver for development, training and promotion for an under-represented public in the web economy.
Every week, we run workshops in our offices to support, mediate and train people in digital tools.
We regularly organise events around digital culture: Repair Café, use of free software, Install Party (Linux), conferences/debates… for all audiences.
Finally, we are setting up intensive digital training programmes. A “Frankly Web School” accessible to all inhabitants of priority neighbourhoods, without any diploma requirements.