On June 24th 2022, all partners joined the second transnational meeting of DISK, a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 8 Partner from 6 countries (France, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Greece, Republic of North Macedonia). The meeting took place in Pescara, hosted by the Italian partner IDP.
The main aim of the meeting was assessing the actual status of IO1, IO3 and IO4. Partners had the chance to see at what point the development of the OER platform is, and define deadlines for its test & validation, both with the participating organisations and with the target group.
Concerning IO4, the consortium defined the next steps and timeline for its development. Specifically, CDI provided inputs about the content and tasks that should be accomplished, and all partners defined an action plan for the following months.
Social policies for the elderly in Europe often neglect lifelong learning, and this despite the fact that the sustainability of social protection systems relies on the autonomy and on the community participation of the elderly population. Since studies have shown that the set of skills one has diminished with age, it is clear that more attention and resources should be devoted to lifelong learning.
In addition, poor skills have been linked to greater risks of loneliness, isolation and social exclusion, which in turn are important risk factors that can lead to poor mental and physical health in elderly people, especially in the absence of family networks or insufficient family support.
The project Digital Skills for an Ageing Europe stands as a concrete response to this need, as it aims to promote active ageing by encouraging seniors to adopt a range of good practices to preserve their health through the use of new technologies.
Lifelong Learning Program, Rule of Law Program and Confidence Building Measures, Social Inclusion Program, Program for self-sustainability and capacity-building, Rural Development Program Program for Environmental Protection, Activities within other networks and associations.